Kite No: F7
Wing Tag Left/Right: Pink / Yellow
Kite Name: No name given
Fledged: 2013 Spen Banks, Gateshead
Male/Female: Unknown
Parents: Father - WT59 Crookhill Blaze / Mother - WT24 Starfire
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Brief Summary: When WTF7 was tagged, the nest was found in a Larch tree. WTF7 was the only chick in the nest. It can only be identified by a visual sighting.
21st October 2013 - One of 25 kites that came to roost in Paddock Hill, Gateshead Country Park
F7 was seen on three occasions in November 2013 and once in December 2013 at the main winter roost near the Nine Arches Viaduct.
29th December 2013 - One of 44 kites that came in to roost in Lockhaugh Meadows, Gateshead Derwent Country Park.
December 2014 - Having not been seen for a year, F7 was seen twice this month. Once pre-roosting in an Oak tree at Highfield near Rowlands Gill with thirteen other kites, and then at the new winter roost at Victoria Garesfield with eleven other kites.
Latest Sighting: March 2016 - A Pink/Yellow tagged kite thought to be F7 (from a photograph) came out of Hamsterley Mill estate to defend territory against a kite coming from Hamsterley Hall.
Kite No: F8
Wing Tag Left/Right: Pink / Yellow
Kite Name: No name given
Fledged: 2013 Lintzford, Co Durham
Male/Female: Unknown
Parents: Father - WTA7 Icarus / Mother - WTB0 Excalibur
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Brief Summary: When WTF8 was tagged, the nest in a Spruce tree, was found to contain a black builders glove. WTF8 was one of three chicks, one tagged F9 and one ringed only. WTF8 can only be identified by a visual sighting.
June 2013 - Lintzford, Co Durham - at tagging.
Latest Sighting: F8 was seen on three occasions in November 2013 at the main winter roost near the Nine Arches Viaduct in Gateshead's Country Park.
Kite No: F9
Wing Tag Left/Right: Pink / Yellow
Kite Name: Arrow
Fledged: 2013 Lintzford, Co Durham
Male/Female: Female
Parents: Father - WTA7 Icarus / Mother - WTB0 Excalibur
Befriend a Kite School: Rowlands Gill Primary School
Brief Summary: When WTF9 was tagged, the nest in a Spruce tree, was found to contain a black builders glove. WTF9 was one of three chicks, one tagged F8 and one ringed only. WTF9 can only be identified by a visual sighting. F9 has been sighted at roost occasionally throughout the winter
February 2014 - In the main roost at Lockhaugh Meadow.
14th April 2014 - seen with 4 other kites at Rowlands Gill.
December 2014 - F9 was seen once this month at the new winter roost at Victoria Garesfield with eleven other kites.
March 2015 - F9 was identified from a photograph flying at Rowlands Gill viaduct.April 2015 - F9 was again identified from a photograph whilst perched in a garden in Rowlands Gill.
January 2017 - Arrow was identified on one occasion at the pre-roost near Hollinside Manor, perched on a pylon. A7 Icarus and L2 were also identified here at the same time. A total of 21 kites eventually came in to roost in this area.
June 2017 - Arrow was seen with another kite in the vicinity of a territory in Rowlands Gill, but it was not confirmed whether Arrow was one of the parents from the nearby nest that went on to successfully raise two untagged chicks.
February and March 2018 - Arrow was seen near last year's nest near Rowlands Gill, nest building was noted, and the pair seen copulating.
On 4th April 2018 Arrow was noted incubating.
On 24th May 2018 she was brooding young, with the male in attendance.
Latest Sighting: By the end of May the nest was deserted following ferocious battles with crows.
Kite No: G0
Wing Tag Left/Right: Pink / Yellow
Kite Name: No name given
Fledged: 2013 Rowlands Gill, Gateshead
Male/Female: Unknown
Parents: Father - WTB6 Golden Glider / Mother - WT44 Morgan
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Brief Summary: When WTG0 was tagged, the nest was found in a Japanese Larch tree. WTG0 was one of two chicks, the second was tagged G1. WTG0 can only be identified by a visual sighting. There have been no sightings since.
Latest Sighting: June 2013 - Rowlands Gill, Gateshead - at tagging.
Kite No: G1
Wing Tag Left/Right: Pink / Yellow
Kite Name: No name given
Fledged: 2013 Rowlands Gill, Gateshead
Male/Female: Unknown
Parents: Father - WTB6 Golden Glider / Mother - WT44 Morgan
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Brief Summary: When WTG1 was tagged, the nest was found in a Japanese Larch tree. WTG1 was one of two chicks, the second was tagged G0. WTG1 can only be identified by a visual sighting. There have been no sightings since.
Latest Sighting: June 2013 - Rowlands Gill, Gateshead - at tagging.
Kite No: G2
Wing Tag Left/Right: Pink / Yellow
Kite Name: No name given
Fledged: 2013 Hamsterley Hall, Co Durham
Male/Female: Unknown
Parents: Father - WTA6 Sedgefield Blaze / Mother - WT Untagged
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Brief Summary: When WTG2 was tagged, the nest was found in a Scots Pine tree. WTG2 was one of two chicks, the second was tagged G3. WTG2 can only be identified by a visual sighting. There have been no sightings since.
Latest Sighting: June 2013 - Hamsterley Hall, Co Durham - at tagging.
Kite No: G3
Wing Tag Left/Right: Pink / Yellow
Kite Name: No name given
Fledged: 2013 Hamsterley Hall, Co Durham
Male/Female: Unknown
Parents: Father - WTA6 Sedgefield Blaze / Mother - WT Untagged
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Brief Summary: When WTG3 was tagged, the nest was found in a Scots Pine tree. WTG3 was one of two chicks, the second was tagged G2. WTG3 can only be identified by a visual sighting.
June 2013 - Hamsterley Hall, Co Durham - at tagging.
October 2014 - G3 has twice been seen at the main winter roost at Lockhaugh Meadows, in Gateshead's Derwent Coutry Park
November 2014 - G3 was seen once at the pre-roost from the Nine Arches Viaduct in the company of D5 and H0. 41 kites were counted in to the roost that night.
December 2014 - G3 was seen three times this month. Once pre-roosting in an Oak tree at Highfield near Rowlands Gill with thirteen other kites, and twice at the new winter roost at Victoria Garesfield with upto thirteen other kites.
Latest Sighting: March 2015 - G3 was identified flying low and displaying with an untagged kite near Highfield.
Kite No: G4
Wing Tag Left/Right: Pink / Yellow
Kite Name: No name given
Fledged: 2013 Causey Gill, Co Durham
Male/Female: Unknown
Parents: Father - WT Untagged / Mother - WT Unknown
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Brief Summary: When WTG4 was tagged, the nest was found in a Sycamore tree. WTG4 was one of two chicks, the second was tagged G5. WTG4 can only be identified by a visual sighting. There have been no sightings since.
Latest Sighting: June 2013 - Causey Gill, Co Durham - at tagging.
Kite No: G5
Wing Tag Left/Right: Pink / Yellow
Kite Name: No name given
Fledged: 2013 Causey Gill, Co Durham
Male/Female: Unknown
Parents: Father - WT Untagged / Mother - WT Unknown
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Brief Summary: When WTG5 was tagged, the nest was found in a Sycamore tree. WTG5 was one of two chicks, the second was tagged G4. WTG5 can only be identified by a visual sighting. There have been no sightings since.
Latest Sighting: June 2013 - Causey Gill, Co Durham - at tagging.
Kite No: G6
Wing Tag Left/Right: Pink / Yellow
Kite Name: No name given
Fledged: 2013 Hollinside, Derwent Park, Gateshead
Male/Female: Unknown
Parents: Father - WT42 Thunderbird / Mother - WT16 Flag
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Brief Summary: When WTG6 was tagged, the nest was found in a Birch tree. WTG6 was one of two chicks, the second was ringed only. WTG6 can only be identified by a visual sighting. There have been no sightings since.
Latest Sighting: June 2013 - Hollinside, Derwent Park, Gateshead - at tagging.